Terms of Use:

Use of lunchlog.com, talkotacobell.com or any features of marshalls.net indicates that you agree to the following:

The Sacramento Kings are a good team even though they wear purple.

'The Big Lebowski' is the finest movie ever made.

This is an entertainment site so don't take it too seriously. However, take the terms of use seriously.

Foul or obscene language, pornographic content, or disparaging other user's comments is prohibited. We reserve the right to block usage of this site as we determine. We may edit, delete, and/or censor any submissions to any portion of marshalls.net. (Free speech is good and all, but kids need to log thier lunches too!)

Using Lunch Log entries or Talk-o-TacoBell ratings as secret terrorist communication channels is strictly prohibited and very 2001.

We make no guarantee that user data will be maintained. Data may be lost, deleted, hidden, or destroyed by pestilence, famine drought, acts or war, including, but not limited to, dirty bombs, chemical warfare, terrorism, or acts of hooliganism (hacking, cracking, DDOS attack, etc.).

Access to this site may be interrupted or suspended at any time due to our discretion or technical difficulty. Basically, if your business is interrupted by this site not being available, then we are not liable for any losses incurred. (That would be a pretty cool business, though.)


This site has no affiliation with Taco Bell or its parent company.

We claim no responsibility for any talkotacobell.com ratings, comments, or any other content on this site or its children sites. All Taco Bell ratings on this site are the opinions of the anonymous users who entered them. We make no effort to validate any accounts of Taco Bell experiences.

In short, we are liable for nothing, so don't sue us.

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Feel free to take what you see here or have learned here and use it freely for the common good of man (as defined by Kevin). Please simply provide a link back to us on your site.

TalkoTacoBell.com has no affiliation with Taco Bell or Yum! Brands